West Derby Methodist Church is home to the 7th Liverpool Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association (BB/GA)
The BB/GA offers a range of fun activities for children and young people which includes games, craft and music that lead to awards.
Children and young people meet together in their age groups on a Thursday evening in The Cornerstone Centre (term-time only).
The adults, who generously volunteer their time to work with the children, have undertaken safeguarding training and are DBS Enhanced checked.
Anchor Section
For boys and girls aged 5 to 8 (Reception to Y3). Thursdays 6-00pm till 7-15pm.
Anchor Section is where fun and friendships begin, the start of learning to play together and indeed for many, the start of their time in BB / GA. Come and join in the fun!
The programme of the Anchor Section offers a time packed with games and songs, craft and stories designed especially for their age.
Children are encouraged to work together, to co-operate in a joint activity and to work & play as a team.
Have fun and begin to learn some important life skills in Anchor Section!
Junior Section
For boys and girls aged 8 to 11 (Y4 – Y6). Thursdays 6-30pm till 8-00pm.
The Junior Section offers a lot of support and encouragement. The programme is a full and varied one, lasting one and a half hours.
There is plenty of variety and little chance of becoming bored! Lots of physical activities, music, crafts, games and competitions, usually undertaken in groups.
There are awards – a huge variety of subjects catering for a range of interests and at the same time encouraging children to explore other new activities.
Company Section
For young people aged 11 to 18 (Y7 upwards) meets Thursdays 7-30pm till 9-45pm.
The Company Section allows individuals to take part in activities and decisions. It offers the chance to make ones own point and also the chance to remain one of a group, a chance to build friendships, a chance to make mistakes that will not be thrown back at them, where skilled staff support can present challenges fitted to the individual. Successfully achieving one challenge is great practice for the next.
Brigade awards provide incentive and ensure progression at a rate suitable to age and growing physical strength; there are leadership opportunities to release abundant energies in purposeful ways.
Church Parade
Once a month we encourage all BB/GA members (and their families) to attend our “All Age Worship and Parade Service” which takes place during Café Church. Click here for more information about Café Church. Of course BB/GA members are welcome to attend church at any time.